Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nidal Malik Hasan Wiki

Nidal Malik  Hasan is  born 8 September 1970, a U.S. Army Major  is the only suspect in the 5 November 2009, Fort Hood shooting, which occurred less than a month before he would be deployed to Afghanistan.

Hasan joined the army, while in college and became a psychiatrist at Fort Hood base in Texas.  Before the shooting, he had expressed extremist views that had been made aware of their superiors and the FBI.

Hasan was a member of the United States Army immediately after high school  and served eight years as enlisted soldier while he was in college.

A cousin of Hasan claimed that Hasan had been harassed by his fellow soldiers because of his ethnicity. He rented a military lawyer to try to resolve the problem, pay back the government to get out of the military.  He was in his late try everything.

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